Aleyalantha Deluiar

---------------------------------------------- Common Name: Dusk
Full Name Aleyalantha Deluiar
Race: Elf, wood (Lycanthrope)
Type: Humanoid (Shapeshifter)
Bust: 34 D

Quiet and friendly, the wood elf commonly known as 'Dusk' is an untamed beauty. Dark of skin, and flawless in complexion typical of elves. A wild tangle of hair cascades to frame a flawless face. Though typically nude, seeming to find clothing distasteful, as do most wild-borne Wood Elves. If pressed, she will wear clothing that is simple, rugged, and can be easily discarded when needed. Physically, she has a soft and supple form, that while voluptuous, girdles tight, lithe musculature that has been honed to immaculate detail. Notable, are her soft, amber eyes, hinting at her being more than what she appears to be. Despite her charming curiosity, those eyes shimmer as they catch light and hint at a deep seated feral ferocity.

Hidden behind the mask of her soft, unassuming form, is that of Dusk's true nature. A beast of raw, untamed savagery. Looming large over most, her soft supple form is replaced instead by thick hide stretched over rippling muscle, with coarse fur covering much of her body.

Regardless of form, Dusk carries a soft, unobtrusive scent of hibiscus, though in her more savage form, and to those with heightened senses, she has an the unmistakable scent of gore hangs around her like a miasma. Further, while friendly, her presence carries with it an odd sense of foreboding, like a creeping terror that claws at the back of the neck.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human