Erina Raven

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Erina is a human fencer, a formidable woman of skill and grace. Her ebony tresses cascade in thick waves down to her shoulders, their dark hue complementing the strength and determination reflected in her eyes.

Standing at an average height, she possesses a well-toned and athletic physique, a testament to her years of training and discipline. Her lithe frame is adorned with the occasional scar, a reminder of past battles fought with unwavering resolve. Her skin, kissed by the sun and tempered by the elements, carries a hint of a healthy glow.

Dressed in practical attire suited for both mobility and protection, she wears a form-fitting blouse, expertly tailored to allow freedom of movement. Under it, a finely crafted leather cuirass hugs her torso, protecting her vital organs without sacrificing agility. Her breeches are reinforced at strategic points, ensuring durability without hindering her swift movements. Tall leather boots encase her feet, providing stability and support on uneven terrain.

At her hip hangs a trusty rapier, its hilt intricately adorned with etchings and filigree, a testament to the master craftsmanship of the weapon. The slender blade, honed to a razor-sharp edge, reflects the dedication she has invested in perfecting her fencing techniques. With each fluid motion, the blade sings through the air, a harmonious melody of precision and lethal intent.

Her countenance exudes a sense of unwavering determination, reflected in her sharp gaze and the subtle lines of experience etched upon her face. Her brows, slightly furrowed with focus, accentuate the intensity of her expressions, while her lips remain set in a resolute line, betraying the seriousness of her purpose.

(W.I.P. more to come at a later date)
Player:The Marshall
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human