Gilliesse Star'renille

Dark, kinky slave themed content ahead.

Word spreads through indecent, salacious channels of a slave housed in the Jabress Cress' stable room, courtesy of Skalk Farms, and the services she's expected to make available to any patron, as the sign above her shed lists:

     Mouth: FREE SAMPLING!
        to feed or train

        Ass: 10,000gp

       Pussy: OFF-LIMITS!

(Contact Skalk about breedng contracts)

   The fading memories of her former life...

    This Paladin of Ilmater is a young adult Sun Elf woman with a lovely face and though she doesn't really show it off, a toned, athletic and attractive body. Having taken vows of abstinence and poverty early on in her ascetic, spiritually pure life, she has forsaken her lineage, the luxurious lifestyle a third-born princess could enjoy, for loyal pursuit of religious devotion. Filling more of her time to help ease the suffering of others or offer wisdom to those experiencing loss and grief, when not otherwise training her body and spirit or taking the fight directly to evil creatures and fiends.

    Having been a part of leading her order and their armies in several successful campaigns against the enemies of her lands and people, including foiling a violent plot involving a fervently fighting off swarm of orcs and goblins attempting to kidnap her sisters on the way to her eldest's wedding, she became better and more widely known as "The Golden Guardian" or more crudely, "Gilli the green-skin slayer". Though really, she's a bit too modest and humble to welcome the fame and renown that has accompanied her successes and made her a rising star and exemplar of her order.

    Her enemies' leadership, seeking to be rid of this hero before she became even more powerful, devised a successful plan to remove her from further opposing them. A short while ago she undertook a pilgrimage along with a number of other members of her order. With a relatively obscure portal not too far off the main route and one of those trusted brothers or sisters accompanying her an unknown traitor, she unexpectedly found herself in Sinfar, with no real understanding how or why, her abilities and connection to Ilmater diminished.

    She woke up on the Port Iracia docks wearing her order's robes, with the rest of her equipment missing. Her pack's only remaining contents being a large jar concealing a devious trap, one final gift from the unknown traitor still in her homeland. Unable to recognize that jar as such, curiosity and hope got the better of her when she opened it not long after its discovery, quickly becoming ensnared and enslaved.


    Captured by the goblin, Skalk, who quickly and gleefully adapted his fresh elf slave's body with a wicked alchemical mixture, preparing his prize for a new, simpler existence as livestock to be bred and tormented. The concoction corrupted her ovaries to grant greater diversity for cross-breeding, and strengthened her womb to allow such abnormal conceptions to be carried to healthful term. Her breasts have greatly swelled into massive milk making mammaries.

    While these changes wreaked havoc on her body leaving her weakened and distressed, her new Master wasted no time outfitting his acquisition toward her depraved function. A bonding agent was liberally applied to her arms and legs before latex stockings and gloves were solidly adhered. Boots, heelless and hooved, were secured onto her feet next, to force her weight onto her toes when upright and give her footfalls a distinctly resonant horse-like tone. Rounded, soft mitts were then placed over her hands to render them completely useless. Next came the array of metal cuffs locked firmly around her biceps, wrists, thighs and ankles. A thick, heavy and rigid metal collar was sealed tight around her slender neck with a large cowbell dangling from the front to loudly signal every movement. A wide ball gag fixed in place to keep her jaw uncomfortably open and speech unintelligible. Her nose and clit were pierced with a heavy and wide ring dangling from each.

    To add to the humiliation of her predicament, she was made aware that the metal used in fashioning her new outfit came from the armor, sword, and shield shed used in her previous path through life. The ancient and prized family heirlooms disenchanted before the arcane steel alloy was melted down, reforged into the indecent ensemble denoting her new place in Sinfar's society.

    An additional treatment with a strange, devious tincture has further modified her in fulfillment of her Owner's perverse desires. Her orifices and insides altered to be much more resilient and pliable to allow for massive, deep penetrations without the normal wear or tear that would occur from being so intensely stretched and ensure her survival through such a painful ordeal without losing that taut, pleasurable snugness elven holes are known for. Her rear has become more rounded, plump and pleasing. Her lips more full and naturally a deep red. Her golden mane now a similar red hue, taking away another reminder of her previous world.

    More Recently...

    After her initial alchemical treatments and outfitting, Skalk left his slave hogtied on the inn room's floor alone for days before returning to give her the first dose of her new reality. She quickly learned her diet now consisted of only sperm, her first meal of that cold, thick, salty ooze portioned into a shallow bowl from the bucketful he brought. Bound  and starved as she was, she  begrudgingly licked that bowl clean to ease those sharp pangs of hunger before opting to fast rather than demean herself further. Next, her Master presented a portable milking machine  and hooked her swollen udders up to pump a jarful of fresh elf milk from her, used to pay the innkeeper. All the while chipping away at her personhood, giving her the expectation that she only refer to herself as 'this cow', while referring to her the same.

    She was then led from the Traveller's Inn to the Jabress' Cress, and into the stable room upstairs to meet her inaugural 'training' partner, an impressive warhorse with an equally grand member. Her neck was enclosed in a pillory, arms bound straight across her back before her owner took one more step to demonstrate that title. She only felt the sharp sting of an array of needles bite into her plumpened rump, still not truly knowing that devious tinkerer goblin produced a device designed solely to tattoo, "the image of a stylized goblin head silhouette with 'Skalk Farms' underneath", skillfully placing it upon her right asscheek before using it to permanently mark his property.

    After the equine encounter left her maidenhood broken and belly bloated, Skalk quickly put a latex seal over her smooth sex, preserving the contents while that perverse conception developed inside her. On the brink of exhaustion from the agonizing ordeal, she was led into the stable room's shed, a more fitting residence for her than the inn. As that weariness overcame her, Skalk was placing that sign above the shed's entrance(see above).

A week later, she gave birth to her first foal.


Red: breaking server rules, perma-death, ageplay, this character isn't really meant for vanilla ERP either.

Greens: Will go with the flow of RP, but also tell friendly. Consent granted for anything not in reds.

From an OOC perspective, I'm a pretty kinky & open-minded submissive masochist, with my favorite themes broadly along the lines of an ongoing bad end RP:     non-con & heavy/hard bdsm play as a slave, corruption, sexual/non-sexual torture, humiliation, degradation, pet-play, objectification, whips/floggers/impact play, elemental/high-magic/tech play, latex/rubber, branding/body writing/tattoos, oral use/fixation, body/footwear worship, heavy cum play, exhibitionism/public play, (rough) sex of all kinds with all sorts...definitely other things
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf