Dudbuild 37

Aoibhe Bròn Dìomhair
Pronounced Ava Braun Jheev-ah

Here for the roleplay.  

Yes, she's a fae. Fey. Fay.  Fee.  She does not hide this at all,  but neither does she boast about it or correct others (unless they're purposely trying to goad her with blatant insults.  Even then it's difficult to tell what exactly she'll take as an insult).

 On first notice,  she's obviously a cautious person.  When she's around anyone else she moves with an awareness of her surroundings, watchful if a little standoffish.   There seems to be no shyness, however.  There is no fear in her deep blue eyes.  

 Often her clothing choices seem to lean more towards comfort or practicality,  and better suited for a rural or woodland life rather than civilization.   When she is seen dressed in more formal attire then her attitude changes to a more regal bearing.  Still watchful,  still careful but with a subtle elegance that carries her through the noble echelons in grace.


Not listing lights because she's not going to ERP.    Approach her for story, whether your character's own or something broader.   She might flirt on occasion, as charm is quite the fae nature.  Nothing will ever come of it, though.

Life, Secret Sorrow
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf