
Portrait Save
Name: Keegan
Aliase: Keegly, Keegster, Keegs, Beefegan, Beegan, ...there's a lot... I blame Loki.
Race: Forest spirit (Fey)
Court: Summer (Serves Queen Titania)
Gender: No fixed gender (See Below)
Age: Not even he knows
Orientation: Willy Nilly
Relationships: Open but picky

Mate - Rowl
Fiancée - Zabine
Boyfriend - Noctis Moros

~Owner of The Mischief Makers Distillery.
~Carpenter & tradesman in Arche Terre
~General Mischief Maker

General Description:

It is difficult to describe the fey in truth. They tend to shift gender and appearance with ease and on a whim. However, all of their humanoid appearances tend to have some similar traits that never seem to change much.

First, regardless of gender or race, they seem to bare the beauty common to fey in general. Large warm green eyes alight with kindness and their fair share of mischief sit above a smattering of freckles that adorn the bridge of their nose and cheeks. The left eye however seems to be replaced by a carefully shaped and polished emerald, beneath which is a ragged scar.

A warm cascade of scarlet locks always crowns their head draping their shoulders and down their back. Thrust up from those silky locks is a set of large antlers, the surfaces facing the sky adorned with a soft velvety layer of green moss. Usually, there are flowers adorning either their hair, antlers, or both.

Lastly, a long slender tail juts out from the base of their spine, long sleek, and prehensile, it bears a scarlet tuft at of fluffy soft fur at the tip.


Keegan is a creature of innocence. Even among the corruptive forces of the city they never seems to lose that wild wonder for mortal things, their kind so often possesses. They are ever curious and eager to learn new things. While they are almost always friendly, they do have a specific talent for trickery. Many an unsuspecting victim has fallen prey to their harmless if slightly frustrating ploys. Their tricks however are never vicious or malicious and usually wear off within a few hours.

OOC Notes & Things:

~The easiest way to tell their appearance and form at any given time is to glance at their portrait. I do my best to update it any time they shift between genders.

~This just feels like a Keegan Song... Enjoy!

Lights: No scat or pedo crap or anything against server rules. I'm happy to chit-chat with anyone oocly and icly but I won't make any ooc promises for relationships and hookups. Otherwise, I'm open and tell friendly if you have questions.

Always a green: Keegan is a sub (Shocker) regardless of his/her form, they are generally eager to please. Thus Strong dominant partners, Male or female, are appreciated. He is also a closet pain slut so do with that what you will!
Player:The Mischief Maker
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf