Elric Rein

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Green eyes survey his surroundings slowly and consistently, expression relaxed and comfortable in most surroundings. Black and silver runes entwine themselves up the left side of his face to encircle and meet around his left eye. The man appears in his mid-thirties with a sharp cut jaw regularly covered in stubble.

Six foot and muscular with a combat veteran's grace, he walks with a quiet confidence. He is often found dressed in comfortable cloths or leathers though there is always the hint of a variety of weapons kept at the ready on his person. Whenever a situation turns threatning there is a quick narrowing of his eyes, the twitch of a hand preparing for combat.

When bared the black and silver runes entwine around his entire body, weaving their way along his torso and limbs.

While his expression eases and can be gentle amidst the innocent and decent, there is a wariness around all others and an outright hostility in the face of disrespect or ill-intentions. Something is off in his eyes however. While it is clear this man has seen the horrors of the world and combated them, he stared into the abyss for some time.

He didn't care that it was staring back at him, tempering his methods with a brutal intensity and a more fluid understanding of "acceptable" methods.

As his time as Sinfar continues, he has also found that he appreciates the casual and regular sexual encounters, he enjoys far more aggressive and corruptive actions as well.

//Elric is fairly dominant and while gentle with those it is clear he should be, is a much more dominating force in a variety of situations. He is even capable of more harsh treatment particularly in acquiring information/dealing with disrespectful or actively worse behaved/evil characters/women.

In reacting to situations/pursuing goals, most things can be considered green for him so if your character is generally decent they'll get the upstanding gentleman he can be. If in flirting it is clear they just enjoy being dominated he will react to his and their desires. He has taken to further debauchery, enjoying degrading those he engages with, dirty talk and corrupting sexually.

If someone is morally or attitude worse his aggression ramps up considerably as "acceptable methods" of correction is a very broad area.

I'm very tell-friendly if there are ever any questions or issues. Don't be afraid to send a tell to potentially set up a scene or make a special request. The kinks this side are -very- diverse.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human