Pickwit Briarbell

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"For the good of all!"

Age: Early Twenties (Halfling Standard)
Race: Halfling
Class: Fighter (Knight)
Height: 3'1"
Weight: 39 lbs
Hair: Dark reddish-brown
Personality: Steadfast, stubborn, rambunctious after a few cups of brandy
Alignment: Neutral Good

Most halflings seek the comfortable life of home and hearth. Even the handful few that seek out adventure do so for the thrill and the love of travel rather than any desire to seek peril and fight great and powerful darkness.

There are still, however, a small number of boisterous and ambitious hin that seek to make right that which they see wrong in the world. Pickwit Briarbell was one such halfling lass, having grown up on tales of knights and heroes and always seeing herself in such a role, rescuing those in need of air from ne'er-do-wells and other miscreants. This, of course, landed her in no small amount of trouble through fist-fighting her fellow halfling children over small injustices growing up.

Now that she is a young woman, she has achieved those dreams of becoming a brave knight, and set off into the world to right those wrongs she still sees out there. As an adult who has seen plenty of rigid combat training but was forced to adjust due to her small stature, she sports an athletically slender figure, partnered with the natural predisposition of halfling women towards having broad and complementing hips. Her arms and thighs are strong, for a halfling, but geared more towards fast movement and hit-and-run styled tactics over any kind of heavy-hitter approach.

In keeping with this, though she wears armor befitting of a knight, it is specially designed to allow for her to keep a mobile and nimble range of motion.

[Pickwit is an idealist first and foremost, believing inherently in goodly things. Due to so often being looked down on for her small stature, she tries her best not to judge persons for their appearance, even if that person might seem suspicious and deviant in appearance, such as some skulking dock worker or shady bartender. She is also prone to acting without thinking, jumping the gun and leaping in without a plan or consideration for her opponent's potential powers or abilities.]

::Has Specific Anosmia for anything remotely related to stink, scent, or musk-oriented roleplay::

Hypnosis, mind control, trickery/deception, exploitation of (created or manipulated) naivety/gullibility, mild physical alteration (mainly physical proportions), gangbangs, imperfect men, sleazy men, old men, heavy/overweight men, monstrous men (preference to goblinoids, orcs, ogres, trolls, minotaurs, etc), the lower classes (dockhands, thugs, peasants, vagrants, beggars, etc), sailors/pirates, big loads. *Implied* pregnancy. Gypsies/crones/hags/witches with curses and trickery.**

Toilet-play, filth, outright rape, blood/pain, pregnancy, slavery, transformation into animal/anthro/inflation/etc, permanent alteration or damage, 'super handsome'/Adonis type male characters, futas, herms, females**, twinks, shemales, femboys, etc.

(!) **(Pretty much open to interacting with female characters, though never for ERP but for the purpose of her being tricked and manipulated into illicit acts with men.)
Player:Pinkie's Welcome Song
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling