Silvara Feyja

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Born into a noble Drow family in the dark city of Menzoberranzan, Silvara Feyja was destined for greatness. However, as she grew older and honed her skills in wizardry, she found herself becoming increasingly bored with the politics and power struggles that consumed the city. Seeking adventure and excitement beyond the confines of Menzoberranzan, Silvara made the bold decision to leave her home behind and set out on her own path.

Venturing into the surface world for the first time, Silvara quickly discovered that there was more to life than the constant scheming of her former peers. Embracing new experiences and meeting beings from different walks of life opened up a whole new world of possibilities for her. With each spell she cast and each enemy she defeated, Silvara grew stronger and more confident in her abilities as a wizard. And though she may have left behind the shadows of Menzoberranzan, Silvara Feyja knew that her true destiny lay ahead - in a future filled with untold adventures waiting to be unravelled.

Drama, Scat, Vore, anything against server rules, meta-gaming, waking up early, being told she has to actually ~work~ for a living (ugh!) etc. etc,

RP, Hunting and Exploring.

Tell friendly, if in doubt ask or rp it out and see how things develop.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf