Samantha Oakwood

Name: Samantha Oakwood
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: Appears in her early 20s.

Samantha is a young woman with black hair kept smooth and well cared for, with a faint herbal scent often following her. Her eyes are blue, resembling the waters on a lake on a clear evening, her lips often seen in a relaxed smile.

She has a smooth, tanned skin, and for those who do get a chance to glimpse at her undressed, the tan doesn't seem to hold clear lines to it, suggesting a fondness for tanning in the nude at the very least, though she might be choosing to do this in private, as she doesn't tend to wander out in public in the nude. At least not usually, though perhaps in the right place with the right rules, that might be proven false.

She has a friendly nature and tends to generally respond to people positively, though she does have her limits that she would rather folks did not push against. She does usually not mind talking at ease with folks who need to vent or want to just have a word with someone, but she does also enjoy taking her time wandering alone from time to time.

She is a bit of a roamer, enjoying her time in civilized areas, but also taking a break away from it among nature, and for some who may have joined her on some of these trails, the druidic gift becomes apparent sooner or later.

At home in the wilderness as well as in civilized lands, she walks a path of her own while enjoying seeing people and places alike, going where the wind leads her, but still preferring to return to a few familiar haunts from time to time, when she feels ready for this.

0000 Lights 0000

Red Lights (No, this is not happening. Expect me to log if you push it.): Anything against server rules (obviously), Scat, Torture, Mutilation, Permanent Changes, Enslavement (Permanent), Bloodplay, and so on.

Yellow Lights (I might, but don't just assume I'm alright with it. Asking is fine.): Bondage, Restraint, Gags, Watersports, Enslavement (Temporary), BDSM scenes (Usually alright with someone I know and trust), Anal (Receiving), Strap-Ons (Who's wearing that?), Pegging (Been asked, so listing it.), and Romance. (Yes, it can be fun, but I can be picky to start something beyond friendship.)

Green Lights (This is usually fun, no worries.): Males, Spanking (Giving/Receiving), Oral (Giving/Receiving), Casual Fondling among Friends, Vaginal sex, and some other things I might need to add eventually.

White Lights (Yes, please): Females, Interesting Conversations, Good Roleplay, Long-term fellowship/relationships, Cuddles, Hugs, Casual Nudity among Friends.

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I will add anything else of note here later, as necessary.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human