Channessa Firemane

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'Channa the Bimberian' ran for several years on the 'adult' crystal ball channels.

People loved the sword swinging redhead and her adventures in and out of bed

Then suddenly a new not nearly as entertaining 'Channa' appeared, and the audience wandered away until the show was quietly cancelled but reruns still live on

Some said the original Channa wanted too much money but the truth was that the studio head's new girlfriend wanted the part and got it but wouldn't do the 'adult' scenes and that was the end.

There's her origin story, the rest is up to you to find out......

Tall, tanned(fake), red hair(wig), lots of muscles(real) and very little costume.
Gertrude(her real name) took to the sword easily and convinced the swordmaster for the show to teach her some real moves not just what looked good on the screen.

She tried to make a comeback in a similar series on another channel but it didn't sell well and she ended up making a few 'adult' movies and short clips to pay the bills

Now she hunts monsters for a living and doesn't have to put out for anyone she doesn't want to but she almost always wants to, and almost always does.  Call her 'Channa' or say you're a fan and you're pretty much guaranteed a good time.

Very approachable and more than willing to share her story... and herself

Lately, she drinks...a LOT !! more than most Dwarves even and that's a lot

She's often found in some dingy bar, deep in her cups, sometimes in her costume and sometimes dressed up like she's going to an awards show, muttering to herself about what should have been and drunkenly whispering not so quietly "I'M the real Channa !!! I even made up the name !!"

You can finish in her or on her face, in her hair, on her boobs, on her back, on her belly, on her ass, in her ass, anywhere just as long as she thinks she's still 'got it'.

Find a camera and she might even put her Channa costume on and let you 'vanquish' her as a special souvenir for a special fan.

Fair warning though, if it isn't clean when she sucks it or you ride her belly too hard she'll probably puke and she might pass out partway through anyway but you don't care if she gets off or not, do you ? ;)

Every heroine needs a theme song:
It's just her and Jack against the world

Player:it beats working
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human