
Portrait Save
The man before you stands tall for one of Mulan, at several inches over six feet. His broad shoulders matched by a strong physique. Rich dark brown hair--kept long--and weathered skin suggest a birth that was not of nobility. The various scars upon his form, from blade and arrow, suggest a life of conflict. Though he carries a youthful appearance, the truth lies in the silvery slivers of hair, and the hardened hazel eyes from which he takes stock of the world around him.

The man keeps himself clean and kept; as were his cleanliness next to godliness. If one draws close enough, they would catch the scent of incense: sandalwood and spice. Vanilla, dried fruits, and rich smoke, would mingle lightly upon his hair.

Upon his flesh are inked in vibrant colors arcane symbols. He moves with a certain confidence earned through his years, and though he is without a dancer's dextrous step, he does possess a surety of grace; as though every step were where it was meant to be.

        RP is the gateway to ERP


Green: M/F, straight, anal, BDSM (light, heavy; not a requirement), oral (giving/receiving); and all manner of other fun!

Yellow: If I think of anything that doesn't fit Green/Red, I'll slap it here.

Red: Anything against server rules. Watersports/Scat
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human