Vaetha Hewth

Race:  Green Dragon - Shapeshifter
Gender:  Male (Can assume some female shapes but tends to still be masculine)
Age:  He's a dragon so Old
Eyes:  Glowing pools of emerald with feline slitted pupils in all his shapes.
Orientation:  Pansexual
Scent (for those that use such):  Always smells like a dragon, green if one can distinquish such a thing.
Alignment:  LN

This figure's appearance can change at times depending on the circumstances.  He would be seen as a green dragon through true sight but will often times wear the guise of a humanoid when wandering the city.  He does not like to draw too much attention to himself afterall.  He is often amicable and does not always share his kinds disdain for lesser beings.

Can often be seen reading or wandering around.  He enjoys learning and exploring new areas but will often seek to find somewhere wooded where he can rest and revitalize himself.  He has learned to channel various energies through his body to assume many different forms, even negative energies.  Playful, predatory, and primal are often words that describe him best.

There would be a potent sense of the forest to him and he seems to enjoy the company of fae or fae like creatures.  He does not have the malevolent spark that so many of his kin have, though he still has the arrogant and prideful side seen within dragons.  He is also possessive and covetous, and like most green dragons values art as well as the people that create such.

RP Abilities:  Draconic Senses - True Sight and heightened sense of smell.  He would also have a heightened sense of hearing.  These are generally RP'ed out but he does have skill in his listen.  True sight is not always on when in his "lesser" forms, but is generally noted when his eyes are burning with an inner light which would clearly display to others that he was not what he appeared to be.

Green Dragon Spells:  These would be centered around woodlands and would include Entangle, Vine Mine, Blight Vine, and similar spells that would affect the plants around him.  They are selected in his spell list, but cannot be cast when in dragon form.  These can be RP'ed out with appropriate DC's given for his draconic abilities.

Reds:  Nothing against the server rules, vore, gore, permanent death, permanent enslavement, permanent maiming/altering.

Greens/Whites:  Too many to list.  Usually on the Dominant end of the spectrum and primal with a touch of sophistication.  Likes to play with his toys and even use toys.  Will assume a variety of shapes to fit, fill, and fornicate.  If interested in something in particular do not hesitate to ask.

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Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human