
Portrait Save
Age: 30
Height:  6'10
Eyes:  Grey
Skin:  Light green
Build:  Strong, bulky, gut
Sex:  Male
Age:  Adult
Hair: Bald
Beard: Full


A large orc that appears to be strong and adept in combat by the tell tale signs such as scars on his body and calloused hands. Upon his upper back, inbetween his shoulder blades there is a tattoo of some kind of reptilian, golden claw also clutching a bag of coins. (DC 20 Knowledge Local, Sword Coast)

The rugged appearance of the orc is offset by a lazy and carefree demeanor that borders on disinterested. Generally harmless and simple by all surface appearances there's a wisdom in his gaze that sizes people up more than just their physical assets.

The orc seems to have a good grasp of common hinting at time spent among humans, though it is clear he is a full blood orc and the markings of such are apparent; jutting tusks, gnarled, pointed ears and and a broad, pillar-like nose that centers his face.

White: (favorites)
Rough, blowjobs, deepthroat, anal, creampies, teasing, free use, casual, banter, cuteness, ass related things and degradation

Lots of stuff! Too much to list

Yellow: (ask first ooc)
Capture, Non-Con, Public Sex

Shit, Urethra Stuff, Vore, Actual Animals, Age-Play, Diapers
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human