Caly Sarteryn
Description | |
Name: Caly.
Current Gender: Femboy. Will answer to he or she with equal readiness; seems willing to be called a "she" to accommodate the preferences of some men! Race: Lust-fiend. Weight: Currently negligible. Height: Currently 4'6". Body: Curvy and effeminate; flat chest, wide hips, thicc booty. Age: Over a century, under a millennium Hair: Currently rose gold. Eyes: Currently lavender. Skin: Currently caramel. Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic. Crude understanding of Deep Drow. Voice: Lilting, sing-song. Features: A fiesty lust-fiend well-suited to the laps of most human-sized creatures. -A pair of fiendish horns, the perfect handlebars. -A sinuous fiendish tail.. He is a gorgeous, soft critter with an intensely curious nature, ears perking at any sound, tail often lashing the air behind him, and all the quicker that lashing when he spots or hears something of interest to him. He smells of peaches and vanilla, of late. Accessories: He is possessed of a pair of accessories, in most circumstances: -Neck: A deep dark grey leather choker, bearing a silver clasp in the back; the front is inset with two small almond-shaped rubies set side by side, evoking the effect of a pair of red eyes. -Left Hip: A small satchel of holding. Often, he will produce various journals or notebooks from that satchel of holding, along with enchanted quills, in order to read or jot down thoughts or observations on his surroundings. Notable Traits: In spite of obviously fiendish heritage, he -seems- to be far more interested in pursuits both scholarly and martial than in deviousness, nogoodnik-isms, or painfully stereotypical overt attempts at seducing or corrupting the virtuous. He equally seems to only eat or drink as mortals do when it would be polite or socially advantageous to do so, however, suggesting he receives sustenance through some other means. Behavior: Excitable and rambunctious when around those he knows, or desires to know, and calm and restrained when around strangers or when working on one project or another. As likely to see him scampering about or chattering excitedly with a crowd of acquaintances as to spy him seated whilst reading on a bench or in a library or study, scritching away at some parchment or studiously scribing magical scrolls. Any flirtations he engages in seem to be solely aimed at males, though there is no discernible pattern therein; he banters with slight halflings as quickly as musclebound minotaurs, and anything in between. That is not to say he does not have or seek female friends, but if he has something akin to a 'roving eye', it does not ever seem to land on the fairer sex. Red Lights: Violation of Server Rules, Ageplay, Gore, Vore, Permadeath, Dismemberment, Rape, NonCon Without Discussion Beforehand, Excreta, Foot play, Shemales, Hermaphrodites. Borderline No-go: Females, BDSM play, Impregnation/Breeding, Tentacles. Unlikely: Romance, Enslavement. Likes: Topping Other Femboys, Drow, Angels/Celestials, Fey Critters, Well-hung Smaller Partners (Halflings, Imps, Kobolds, etc.), Incest Themes, Titfucking, Muscular Partners, Lithe Partners, Titfucking, Oral (Giving), Anal, Outercourse, Frotting, Titfucking, Friends with Benefits, Secret Fuck Buddies, Lots & Lots of Cum, Large Endowments, Throat/Facefucking, Addictions (Cum, primarily), Smokers, Chainsmokers, Smokeplay, Smoke Sex, Exotic Partners, Clothed Sex, and Titfucking. Favorites: Adventure, Exploring, Faction RP, Spanking (Receiving!) Very tell friendly; feel free to ask if your idea is anything outside of the Red Lights~ |
Player: | Shiny Object of Ephemeral Fixation |
Gender (Visually): | Female |
Race (Visually): | Human |