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Name: Noreen
Sex: Female
Race: Wolfwere (corrupted)
Fur: Black
Eyes: Red/Orange
Weight: 100 kg+


Picked up when she was little more than a cub, Noreen used to roam the realms with a nomadic tribe of wolfweres, who disguised themselves as band of mercenaries. Taught by their shaman, soot-black bitch grew to know a magic trick or two. Still, she preferred the heat of battle to reading scrolls, eagerly tussling with bigger hounds instead.
Adventures of her little band got cut short during one of their werewolf hunts. The expedition led them to ancient ruins, where a trapped portal killed most of Noreen's pack, bitch herself barely managing to survive, instead shunted onto plane of Gehenna.

Adapting to the new environment cost her dearly, taking on infernal traits, twisted by the local magic.

Used for few years in power struggles between devils and daemons, Noreen finally managed to emerge from hostile plane stronger, even if changed.


Though wolfweres are supposed to favour their animal form, she either is unable to do so, or doesn't want to. Noreen tends to appear as anthropomorpic wolf, in hybrid form, or shape changes with help of magic into various monstrous forms. No matter the form though, a web of orange, tattoo-like, luminescent markings spreads all over her body. Her eyes has an ominous, red glow to them, no matter the form as well. Unnaturally long, orange tongue often sticks out of Noreen's maw, tasting the air, and drooling whenever she sees something enticing.

She carries herself with surprising grace for someone her size. Most of her black fur is short enough, that it doesn't obstruct her body features at all, allowing a perfect glimpse at rock-hard muscles dancing underneath her skin. That is not the case for her whole body though, a shaggy mane of hair fluidly turns into wild fur around her neck, which goes all the way down, to perky mounds of her breasts, giving the young bitch, a rough, wild look.

Those with more keen sense of smell, like animals and beastmen, are able to easily pick up Noreen's scent. Musk of a bitch surrounds her at all times, especially during heat, when her crimson red vulva was visibly swollen and throbbing.


More than capable of being unseen, she prefers tackling problems head-on. Similarly direct in social interactions, she doesn't beat around the bush often.

Though a hint of insanity behind her eyes, matches her rough look, she seems to be well in control of her instincts. Or at least some of them, as the bitch tends to wag her tail happily, whenever she could be of help to someone, or any time a male beast took interest in her.

Too restless to sit in one spot for more than a while, she often tags along with adventuring parties and merchant caravans, eager for any sort of brawl that won't bite her in the ass with stuff like charges and fines.


- Spellcasters, fiends and alike have an easy time spotting corruption that twisted her. She might be a good girl most of the time, but one that spent way too much time on different plane, gorging on too many monsters. Her latent abilities as a wolfwere got tainted, making her unable to turn back into a full wolf, instead allowing her to turn into various different shapes, and leaving her arcane instincts sharpened.

- On similar note, her body looks particularly sturdy, monstrous bitch easily able to take a beating, especially when she taps into some arcane, shamanic tricks.

- Most of the time, a fiendish hint is weaved into her heavy scent, unless Noreen's in heat. In which case, a 'pure' scent of bitch ready for a male dominates all other odours. It doesn't take a zoologist to spot when she's in heat either. Her tail is visibly raised, swishing around excitedly, as it exposes a vulgarly swollen, red vulva.

- She rarely brings more than a short blade to a fight. Similar minimalism shows with her attire choice - wearing a simple robe around her waist, seldom even paired with top to cover her breasts... or nothing at all. The young bitch didn't seem bothered either way, but visibly preferred the latter.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human