Clallea Dalfind

Height: 5' 4" (Five foot; Four inches)

Weight: Varies by circumstance I.E. loot, equipment haul, concealed goods and what have you.

Hair Color: Gray and silver; typically pulled back into shoulder blade length ponytail when on 'business'. When free of time, it usually hangs freely. Straight and slightly disheveled.

Eye Color: Silver speckled with dashes of gold - a feature that she doesn't appreciate as much as some might. With such unique colorization it's easy to tell whom she is if seen skulking about by eye-contact alone.

Chest size: 34 D - Much to her chagrin, they are constantly in the way and offer nothing but an aching back and unwanted attention.

Body Type / Disposition: Athletic, though not without those damned troubling curves. More often than not have they made the demand for her acrobatic performance more difficult than not. She constantly attempts to further slender her body, constantly failing to do so. She's a sucker for fine dining and when not on a job can be quite the sloth. Typically when confronted in a kind hearted manner she's equally quick to do the same as anyone rightfully should. If approached with trouble or conflict, Clallea will be one of the first to turn tail and run off until she can disappear. A thief and tinkerer by trade, her hands and wrists are better preserved for the 'finer' touches in life. Picking gold and gems from satchels and pouches or handling the delicate mechanics of locks and booby traps alike.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf