
Portrait Save
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Eyes: Wildy Green
Physique: Tantalising
Role: Submissive

She strides with an ethereal grace, her presence commanding attention in any room. Her pale skin, always glistening as if it were kissed by moonlight, accentuates the fiery cascade of red hair that tumbles down her back in waves, each strand a shimmering ember dancing in the breeze. Her delicate features are sculpted with precision, her cheekbones high and defined, adding an air of regal elegance to her allure.

But it's her eyes that captivate most, pools of emerald green that seem to hold secrets untold, drawing you into their depths with an irresistible pull. They gleam with mischief and desire, hinting at a depth of passion and mystery lurking just beneath the surface. Framed by long lashes like velvet curtains, they flicker with a tantalizing allure, promising pleasures yet to be discovered.

Her lips, full and inviting, curve into a knowing smile that sends shivers down the spine of anyone who dares to meet her gaze. They are painted the color of ripe berries, a vivid contrast against the porcelain canvas of her complexion, beckoning with a promise of sweet, forbidden delights.

Her figure is a study in perfection, every curve and contour sculpted with an artist's precision. She moves with a fluid grace, each step a symphony of elegance and poise, drawing attention to the tantalizing sway of her hips and the graceful arc of her neck.

In her presence, time seems to stand still, the world fading into insignificance as you become lost in the mesmerizing beauty of this pale, red-haired temptress. She is a vision of otherworldly enchantment, an embodiment of desire incarnate, and to resist her siren call is an exercise in futility.


Red: Large groups, Pedo, Catlings, Vanilla SRP

Yellow: Tails, Vaginal, Polite Characters

Green: Wildly Erotic Filthy Shit.

Emphasis on the filth.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human