Sindvum Jaljraff

Portrait Save
Race: Frost Giant
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 21'3

She is an average-sized Frost Giant, which is to say she is still a giant which is many heads above the average human of which she keeps a number of heads, bone white skulls at her belt, various charms and totems on her person. Though one could be forgiven for missing such as the most prominent feature of the giant was the heavy rack about its chest, those blue breasts with their icle-like teats which seemed to always be hard.

If the viewer can pull themselves away from that they'd see a flat line of an expression, as if her features were carved from a slab of ice themselves. With long white hair like freshly fallen snow and a great bird perched atop its shoulder, this giant was usually what one thought of when they pictured a Jotun.

Green: Domination, role-reversals, slavery, monstrous characters, men, women, and anything between or beyond(feel free to approach me with anything, not on this list)

Red: Anything against the server's rules

Tell friendly if you have an idea don't be afraid to ask it, or simply approach the character in role-play!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human