Velvorn Vhrac

Race:       Orc
Age:       Number
Height:     6'7"
Weight:    400lbs
Hair:        Black and course like a boar
Eyes:       Piss Yellow
Sex:        Male
Orientation:  Pansexual
Temperment: Vile Thug

This imposing wall of muscle looks at you with a keener eye than might be expected of one of his kind.  He will often present as dumb or even slow, but then flash a wry smirk before grabbing you by the face and moving to slam you through a table.  Hot tempered, ill mannered, he is a thug, a brute, and a mercenary.  

He carries a large greatsword on his back and seems to know how to use it.  He is not afraid to say what is on his mind, but will largely remain silent as he finds that is the best way to intimadate others.  He knows the value of holding back at times but will throw everything he has into something once he sets his mind to it.  He can be wild, chaotic, but there is a purpose behind him as well.

Reds:  You know the drill... nothing against server rules.

Yellows:  Just his eyes

Greens/Whites:  Dark themed, brutal, and all other things associated with a hot blooded orc.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc