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"Life's agony, but only when we make it so. Caught between that binary of stoic heroism or nihilistic despair, take third path. Embrace irony. Dance hand in hand with doubt. And laugh when faced with our own absurdity." -Penumbra

// // // The Quick and Dirty \\ \\ \\

«Name» Penumbra
«Alias» Penn or Penny
«Sex» Male
«Pronoun» She/Her

«Age» 777 |Forever 221|
«Species» Carbuncle (Mutant)
«Build» Fit. Lean. Pear-shaped.
«Measurements» 26BB - 22 - 36

«Hobbies» People Watching, Astronomy
«Occupation» Fortune Teller, Soothe Sayer
«Class» Monk | Shadowdancer
«Combat Style» Defensive / Pacifistic

«Personality» Humorous, Capricious, Puckish
«Morality» Moral Luck
«Philosophy» Relativism
«Alignment» Chaotic Lawful

«Orientation» Bisexual - Feminine Pref.
«Role» Switch
«Sexuality» Uninitiated.
«Significant Other(s)» None.


[+]  Empath» A Carbuncle has the ability to detect the intentions of other creatures using its innate empathy. This ability functions as a constantly active detect thoughts spell, but the ability is limited, and prevents them from accessing more than surface thoughts.

[+]  Head Ruby» The shiny ruby set in a Penumbra's head is actually a part of her skull. The gem can only be removed if the carbuncle is willing to give it up. The carbuncle cannot be tricked into giving up the gem. Mind affecting spells such as charm or dominate will not work on it. However, forced captivity and starvation often coaxes even the most prideful of creatures into losing their precious gem.

[+]  An Alchemist's Prized Possession» The gem itself can warp light itself to her whims bending it around her person, effectively rendering her invisible to the naked eye.  It may also magnify or minimize magic cast through it. Or, when properly processed, it splits the spell into their constituent components. Essential for any alchemist's laboratory. It is of no wonder, then, that the Carbuncle species teeters on the brink of extinction.    

[+]  Mutant Freak» Penumbra is a Carbuncle, a species of small awkward four-legged, squat half lizard - half bird with bulging eyes and a fist sized ruby jutting out of its head. But one fateful night, a particularly ornery Carbuncle broke out from her alchemist's enclosure and stumbled into a batch of potions changing her life from thoughtless beast into sentient woman overnight.

[+]  Venom Sacs» While appearing as breasts, the notable lack of nipples, the scales and tufts of filamentous feathers on her head, and nonfunctional wings sprouting out from her posterior, suggest that she is far from human. These are repositories for her venom, which drip forth her prominent canines at will. At its most benign, the venom acts as an aphrodisiac. At its worst? A nasty case of priapism. Any excess venom is swallowed at night. If plugged, those venom sacs would swell and swell. Not that there'd be any reason for that to happen. Pervert.

[+]  Voice» Her voice carried a foreign lilt to it. Often twisting sounds from 'th' to 'z', the 'r' rolled, and 'h' slurred into a 'khh' sound. She wasn't from here, though, that applied to mostly everyone in Sinifer. She occasionally forgets articles, dropping the occasional 'a', 'an', 'the' altogether.

// // A Wild Carbuncle Appears! \\ \\

// // // The Stop Light's Lights \\ \\ \\

«Green» means GO.

«Yellow» means CAUTION.

«Red» means STOP. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human