Yvonne von Draken

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Name : Yvonne von Draken
Race : Human
Age : 30
Gender : Female
Eyes : Ice Pale Blue
Body Type : Very Curvy
Height : 5'8"

Born into a noble family, Yvonne was raised to be the noble lady her parents wanted but she craved otherwise. In secret, she took the opportunity to escape from the large estate where she lived, visiting disreputable taverns and dark alleys, where life was not easy.

From the very beginning, she knew how to make the most of her weapons, a captivating beauty and a cunning that would save her on more than one occasion, although not always. She had to wield a gun to defend herself a few times, discovering a fascination with them. But not all problems can be solved with her captivating beauty. This led to her having to leave her home hastily, ending up on a ship that would take her to a strange land.

Player:Bounty Boom
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human