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tl;dr - A Feywild Troll (Like those from Changeling: The Dreaming)


A figure of formidable stature and striking presence emerges from the untamed wilds. Dvalin, a troll warrior of legend, stands almost seven feet tall, his frame as imposing as the heart of the Feywild itself. His skin, a deep and mystic blue, bears the echoes of countless battles waged in this land of enchantment.

A cascade of snow-white hair, meticulously combed and often tied in a small, defiant ponytail, falls gracefully down his back. It flows like a silken banner, a stark contrast to the rugged warrior it adorns. His eyes, intense and unwavering, are the color of glaciers, betraying a soul marked by the harsh trials of his world.

Dvalin's visage is a paradox. A severe expression, etched by the wisdom of a seasoned adventurer, is framed by the playfulness of laughter, evident in the subtle creases around his mouth. His nose, a bit flattened from the countless blows it's weathered, speaks of the resilience that defines him, a resilience granted by his feytouched heritage.

A pair of small, curved horns sprout from his forehead, marking him as a true son of the trolls. These horns frame his penetrating gaze, casting him as a guardian of the isles, a sentinel of the untamed mysteries of the Feywild. His leonine tail, sinuous and strong, sways with each step, an elegant reminder of his fierce lineage.

Dvalin's attire is both practical and comfortable. A padded jacket clings to his bulging muscles, a testament to the ceaseless training and battles he's undertaken as a daring adventurer. Around his waist, a sturdy loincloth, its fabric strained around its bulging manhood.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human