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Let's get this out of the way now.

Halflings, Gnomes, Pixies, Brownies (not that kind !!) and other 'small' races are perfectly playable characters.

If you insist on seeing them all as 'children' with no exceptions, then you have problems I can't help you with.

The characters in the TV show were almost all in their 20's or 30's or even older with mustaches, beards, boobs, jobs, etc.

This one is well into her 20's.

She's made for Halflings, Gnomes, Goblins, Kobolds, etc anyway, not Orcs.

Make a pint-sized character of your own and get your snurf on too ;)

That said:

She's snurf foot snurf in her snurf snurfs and weighs snurfity snurfs.
Her snurf is snurf
Her snurf is light snurf
Her snurfs are snurf sized, maybe a little snurfer than most other snurfs but not too snurfy for a Snurf

She snurfs what she snurfs and when she isn't snurfing she likes to get her snurf snurfed until she can barely snurf, or snurf a snurf until it snurfs all over her snurfs.

Big Snurf sized snurfs or small Snurf sized snurfs are all snurfy to her and snurfing up on her isn't polite but it can be snurfy.

She isn't all that snurfy for a snurf and she'll snurf you up if you snurf her off

Green lights:
Snurfing snurfs
Getting her snurf snurfed

Red lights:
Snurfing snurfy snurfs, yuck
Snurfing her snurf without asking
SNURF sized snurfs, that's too much snurf for her to snurf or even snurf by herself

Player:Blue Mooned
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling