Tristessea Daratrazanoff-Koval

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Like a dense fog in the night, silently rolling over the earth slowly and yet purposefully; the woman returns to these lands. Previously, the woman established both a home and business that both vanished in her prolonged absence. Neither where she hails from nor why she has traveled to Sinfar is known and she's not likely to reveal such information to most.

"All that is dead carries the echoes of life. All that lives hears the call of its death."

Physically the woman, an obvious example of the highest degree of elegance and refinement, appears to be in her early twenties but looks can be deceiving. Her raven black hair, having become streaked with a dusky grey, falls about her countenance and dazzling green eyes. Her features bear full lips with a crimson hue, high cheekbones, and a slightly upturned nose. At 5'5" tall, her slender figure supports long legs, the slight flare of feminine hips, and a small yet firm arse. Her bosom, however, usually confined in the support of various corsets displays perky yet feminine D-cup breasts that in truth are a tad too large for her petite frame. Her body is covered in flawless skin, far as one can tell when she is clothed, with an alabaster complexion that would make you think she hasn't aged a day since blossoming into a woman. Her nails are always dotted with a shade that matches her lips and her eyes always have darkened shadows brushed about them. She appears to favor hues of rich reds and dark blacks and is always dressed in the finery of silks, satins, furs, velvets, and cashmeres. She also can be seen frequently adorned with a plethora of ruby gemmed jewelry upon dark obsidian or ebon black settings. Her rich, alto voice which is usually somewhat morose and thickly accented, would lead one to quickly ascertain she seems to be highly educated. Despite her seemingly young age, she often speaks with the wisdom of sages and a shrewd intellect. She appears to have the knowledge of a dedicated scholar, or perhaps she's merely learned that much in her lifetime being born into privilege. Her beauty possessing a regal grace that is almost hypnotic, yet at the same time the woman is quite practical, thoroughly methodical, and often downright macabre. Though apparently human, she has an odd eccentricism that is almost unnaturally exuberant and yet, at the same time may be equally off-putting. However, do not expect to get close to her for you may regret coming into her embrace or worse...

"Death is an enigma, and we have a duty to master its secrets."

A woman of many talents, interests, and secrets; her journey opened up toward a newfound path - one of a higher calling, greater purpose, and far darker than anything she had ever before attempted to undertake. Unfortunately things do not always play out quite as one anticipates and such was no different for her. However, a rather lengthy interruption is not enough to cause one such as herself to cease such endeavors. Prior to disappearing for a time, the woman became wedded to the lord of the Urskoy region in a small, private ceremony given the lack of public announcement nor celebration though he since has seemingly vanished. Regardless, there remain opportunities abound as she continues her work. While, her intentions of course seem well-meaning enough but then nothing is ever as it seems...

"Let no childe of Caine ever leave through this path; let no son of Seth ever enter."

"Dark of You" ~ Breaking Benjamin
"The Fighter" ~ In This Moment
"Fragile Minds" ~ Silent Theory


Far as lights go simple, RP it out and I'll speak up if it's headed toward something I'm not kosher with. I expect the same courtesy. I'm down to take things to dice rolls if need be.

True race will only be discovered through RP and the development of trust between characters or other appropriate IC situations. Character is based off the World of Darkness setting. Character is in actuality a vampire of the assumed extinct Cappadocian clan, approximately 500 years of age (no meta-gaming this as it is not obvious), and is currently on the Path of Death and the Soul. Abilities are as follows:


This is the Discipline that grants one unearthly toughness, even to the point of resisting fire and sunlight.
This is the Discipline that grants one supernatural senses, even to the point of being able to communicate telepathically and reading minds.
This is the Discipline rooted in the control and manipulation of death. More specifically, Mortis is a form of blood magic dealing with corpses and their conditions after death.


~Discipline Prodigy~
This is a merit resulting from being especially skilled in the use of one of your clan Disciplines. Prodigies of blood sorcery find the difficulty of all paths and rituals reduced. Prodigies of Mortis also find necromancy rituals easier.
~Occult Library~
This is a merit resulting from the possession of a library of occult materials, which may include at least one version of the Book of Nod. You are not necessarily familiar with the contents of these volumes of knowledge (that is a function of your abilities), but in time of need your library can be an invaluable source for research.
This is a merit resulting from being one of the lucky few to receive superlative tutelage in classics, natural sciences, and theology either through monastic training or determined royal tutors.
~Clan Enmity~
This is a flaw having developed as for some reason, something about you inspires contempt or hatred in members of a clan other than your own. One Clan in particular wants you dead.
~Paranoia, Extreme~
This is a flaw stemming from your certainty that the world is full of creatures and people who wish to see you destroyed.  One does not worry overmuch about those individuals who loathe from a distance.  It is the ones allowed near you, the ones who profess some caring towards you, who are the real danger.  Of course, not all one's associates and so-called friends are actually your enemies (at least probably not all are).  However, it is known that no one ever does anything they don't believe to be for their own benefit.  You are constantly alert for signs that one or more of your acquaintances are seeking to commit diablerie upon you, stake you, or worse.
~Prey Exclusion~
This is a flaw leading to your refusal to hunt a certain class of prey. For instance, an animal-lover might decide to hunt only humans, or a character might decide to spare a class of people she particularly admires. You are disturbed when others feed from this type of prey. If you accidentally feed upon this class of prey yourself, you will automatically frenzy.
~Taint of Corruption~
This is a flaw causing plants to wither when you approach, and will die if you touch them. It is rumored that Caine himself possesses this flaw.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human