
Braja's Name: Braja.
Race: Tiefling, probably.
Age: Some amount.
Sex: Hermaphrodite.
Height: 5'4".
Body: Soft and voluptuous.
Skin: Marble white, hot to the touch.
Hair: Long, uncombed black mess.
Eyes: Glowing, near-featureless, and white.
Scent: Indistinct but clean.
Orientation: Bisexual, she guesses?

        Traffic Lights
Check out her f-list above for exacts. When it's there.


Although Braja (brah-zhah) could be mistaken for an undead creature of some sort at first glance, she instead seems to be some kind of tiefling, just one with an outwardly ghostly and unsettling visage. Despite looking sinister and eerie, she
seems more awkward or shy.

Despite her unfortunate manifestation of her otherworldly bloodline, Braja does at least possess a conventionally attractive form beneath the spookiness, with wide hips and a very ample chest. She doesn't oft wear much, usually just negligee and underwear, so it does get shown off whether intentionally or not.

Though her ghostly appearance lends a
cold aura to her, in reality she radiates
an unnatural amount of heat due to her fiendish lineage, to a point of being
almost too much to touch safely.

Lastly, it's often all too apparent due to how little she wears, but Braja does boast a rather large bulge packed into those little panties of hers. Typical tiefling!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human