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           Kasugami Mako

Regular Envelope:

Height: 5'5" / 1.65m
Age: Apparently early 20s
Race: Kitsune
Body-Type: Vulpesmorph (Ectomorph)
Haircolor:  Snowy
Eye color: Golden
Gender:  Female
Sex: Maybe
Interests: Old mail and new mail, no discrimination
Position: Door lock switch
Voice: Mysterious/Upbeat
Figure: Slender
Tattoos: Need to join the Yakuza first
Piercings: Do the shuriken count?

Certified Envelope:

Rumored to have been found inside the mailbox of a certain ninja academy as a baby snow fox in the far lands of Wa. It soon became obvious the fox was too sentient to be a simple animal, and her humanoid form was revealed to the old master ninja who took her in. This sealed her fate (no pun intended) as a mail ninja, trained to upkeep the balance of energies across the land.

Mako is easily noticed as a lithe figure standing at 5'5"/1.65m with tanned skin and cascading snow-white hair. Tall fox ears jut out from her nogging, twitching at every sound. Bright eyes carry a playful glint in their gaze. Her body features are androgynous in nature. Her voice is melodic and mysterious whenever speaking of a serious subject. But can also be full of playful tones when relaxed. Her manner of speaking is articulate and precise, betraying an intellect behind the easygoing demeanor.


Greens: Cleaning mailboxes, talking about karmic energies, adventure, Sakura Village shenanigans, among other fun stuff.

Red: Vore, extreme gore, non-con. Ask first before anything too sensitive.
Player:Frozen Tear
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human