Vallonia Segesta

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Recidete plebes! Gera rem Imperiala !

Quite tall (for an ancient Roman) at 5'8"
Very, very well toned
Olive skin
Dark hair and eyes
40ish, more or less
Ramrod straight military bearing
No-nonsense, almost gruff attitude
Carries a vine staff for disciplining troops and she doesn't hesitate to use it, or a swift kick from her hobnailed sandals, or enforce the other forms of discipline and reward used in the legions of her Roma.

Wears an enamelled amulet inscribed
"Nascentes Morima"

When in armour, her shield reads
XXX Triarii

Her helmet's plumeholder is engraved
"Res ad Triaria Venit"

Blue and purple plumes and trim mark her a Centuria Prima, the most senior Centuria, the 'first among equals'

She normally wears a battered set of lorica segmentata but sometimes an older style bronze lorica squamata, with a heavily engraved gladius slung over her shoulder and a pugio on her belt, both in ornate scabbards.  She carries plumbata in loops inside her scutum, but uses a plain, sturdy Dolabra with the pick side shaped like a scorpion's tail if she has to fight herself instead of commanding her troops

Every parallel plane has a different 'Rome'
In hers, virtually all soldiers, politicians, merchants and workers are women.
The live birthrate is very low and male births are few and far between.  Men are protected to the extreme to perform their one duty, well worth going to war over in order to ensure their survival as a people and every soldier is expected to do her utmost to prove her worth to try and produce what they can.

She's earned the right to go to the Copularium several times with no success.  She's almost too old to go again, but duty and determination still drive her to try whenever she can, for the glory of Roma, provided she can find a suitable partner.

Healthy, strong, intelligent, sturdy and clean all count, tall (5'8"-6'ish for Romans) and dark-haired handsome are just bonuses.

Orcs, shemales, non-humans of any kind and the obviously evil and disreputable are not acceptable to her or to the Empire

I've been asked a few times and no that's not a player preference.

She's a prominent citizen of a form of ancient Rome and won't accept anything other than a reasonably presentable human as 'breeding stock', and while Elves, Orcs and Dwarves as a race simply don't exist in her world; 'Barbarians', Norse, Celts, Picts, Nubians and the Middle and Far East are known of (although mostly foreign to her) and count as humans

Her most sacred duty is to attempt to produce sons and daughters for the glory of Roma and she takes her duties seriously.

OOC Notes:

I took Latin in High School
I don't speak Latin at all today
She does, but it's HER 'Latin Vulgaria'
They're not 'errors' they're dialect ;)

I watched a lot of youtube videos and read a lot of websites to get her right but she isn't from this Rome at all
Things are much different in hers and anyone saying "ackshually..." will be completely and permanently ignored ;)

Caesara si viverit, ad remum dareris

Player:Veni VeniVeniVeni
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human