Kassar Saihan

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A subtle, chill breeze seemed to follow the lithe, athletic figure where ever he went. This typically announced his presence well before he is seen or heard.

Kassar stands quite tall, svelte of silhouette and with the lean figure of a dancer. He carries himself with a certain self-assured confidence and grace to match. While he appears to lead an active life, his skin shows little indication of that fact. Instead, it remains a pale alabaster in color, and unblemished, as if never touched by either sunlight or the natural elements.

Thick, wind tousled hair frames his face, the color of fresh fallen snow. Strewn within the messy locks are the occasional braids, flower blossoms and other decorations. From amidst it all, stand two expressive and fur-tufted fox ears. His face is comprised of rather sharp features, with high cheekbones. Beneath his oft-furrowed brow, his eyes are startlingly bright and the color ice. On the occasion one catches a smile on his face, his sharp canines become evident. Though, it isn't hard to guess as much even when he isn't, as his snaggle-toothed fang is often on display regardless. Pairing with his sharp-toothed smile, his hands and feet both end in dangerous looking claws. Behind him, a large tail of white fur sways in a lazy to-and-fro.

His choice of attire is generally quite light and flowy, favoring shades of soft blue or teal. While often not wearing a great deal, what he does wear appears to be of high quality in both make and material. Exotic fabrics, silks and intricate patterning are both in display in his wardrobe. Simple jewelry seemed to be another favorite of his, as he was often adorned with at least a few pieces. Wooden beads, silver and golden rings, charms and talismans. Most with meaning seemed to favor luck, good fortune, health and safe travel. To the end of safe travels, an ornate long-blade rest against his side while he was out-and-about. His person, along with most of his belongings, carry a subtle scent of crisp spring air and fresh-cut blossoms.

First impressions may leave Kassar seeming a touch stand-offish and skeptical of strangers. A friendly enough smile is never far from his face, however, once introductions pass. His voice carries a subtle accent and sing-song lilt to it, and it has a pleasing resonance to the ear.  


Tells are fine and welcome for clarifications and questions as needed. Tells for random hookups specifically for ERP are less fine and welcome.

Character depth and development, emotion, exploration, intensity, romance.
Gore, scat, vore, etc.
Player:Clear Skies
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human