Kamikyo Wyrd

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        A Quick Peek!

Full Name - Kamikyo Wyrd
Height - 5'6
Race- Kitsune!
Gender - Female... A KNOTTY female! (She has a penis)
Build - On the slimmer and slender side of things. A modest bust.


Kamikyo could succinctly be described as... Cute! Her vulpine features were obvious at a glance, especially her ears that were quite large for her kin. A tuft of white hair filled the inner sides of them, contrasting with the orange fur on their backside. She also had a fluffy tail that was quite hefty for her frame, with every bit of it's fur seemingly almost obsessively brushed and maintained.

Often carrying a kind smile, it was complimented wonderfully by a pair of light blue eyes that seemed to almost glow. Her soft, pale features bore a little collection of freckles just below her eyes on either cheek. Further down? Her frame was slender and shapely, graceful and svelte. She still had plenty of womanly features, from a grabbable pair of hips to her perky, well rounded chest that seemed like a C-cup at a glance. (30 C, perhaps!?)

She didn't typically go around dropping her clothes, but catching her that way would  show something not entirely rare for a fox-kin.. She had a sheath! Her canine cock measured in at something in the realm of ten inches, rather sizable all told with a knot at it's base whenever she was ready to... Seal the deal. Ahue. Contrasted to that hefty cock she wielded, her ass was more in line with the rest of her frame. It was on the smaller side for those in the isles, but it still held a delightfully round shape and a great deal of PERK. Perky butt.

The last eye catching feature would probably be a swirl of glowing tattoos across her front when she was spotted in the nude. They went across her perky chest, her ribs, and down across her stomach.. Both the faint glow and the energy they put off suggested some sort of arcane origin to those sensitive.


Often spotted with her head in a book or a scroll, it wouldn't take long to peg Kami as a bit of a book worm.. Nerd. She didn't seem to entirely fit the stereotype though, given she was quite happy to engage in conversation with just about anyone. The promise of seeing a friend or making a new one often had her ears perked, tail swishing, and her eyes locked in rapt attention. Still.. It was quite easy to get her to flush up, and most topics turning naughty usually turned her red in the blink of an eye. That said.. Perhaps the right sort of tease could awaken her instincts? Hmmm!

       OOC STUFF

I'm up for doing just about anything in terms of lewds. If you think it crosses a line, just ask! I'm totally fine with tells.

P.S. Told u I'd give her a bio, eat my ass

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf