Briar Kingslayer

Gender: Transgender Female
Race: Canid
Age: Twenty Something
Eyes: Yellow
Skin: Light
Sexuality: Bi-Lesbian (Feminine Only)

A kind of dog kind of raccoon shaped woman, fair of skin and lean of stature. Confident in stature and quick on her feet, her short height, easily under five feet, only makes her more nimble.

Her attire is always clean, and never wrinkled. Likewise, her posture is mostly straight, spine naturally curved for some sensuality in even the most menial task.

I am extremely shy and anxious, and generally need to be approached first, otherwise it'll feel awkward.

I'm also a massive sucker for roleplay in itself, cheap flings are okay, but they will naturally blossom unless shut down.

White: Femme, romance, character exploration, basically anything involving pregnancy, giving, receiving blowjobs/similar, affection.

Green: Most things unlisted.

Yellow: Receiving, some other stuff.

Red: Server Rules, some other things, ask if you need really.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human