Dawn Ray

Portrait Save
Name: Dawn Ray
Age: Early Twenties
Gender: Female
Eyes: Red
Skin: Light
Height: 5'9" or so
Packin': Heat

A bunny person. Lithe and toned, and while she always looks a little disheveled, her posture's fine enough. Her features soft, boyish to some extent.

She's definitely what many would call a fitness nut. Every inch of her body threaded with some form of muscle. Feminine softness is still present, along with the scars of battle.

Her hair is incredibly uneven, and she's often grimy or otherwise dirty. Her overall vibe is slum rat. Her voice offers no favors, heavily accented. It'd probably place her area of origin in Maztica, if one had to decide.

Lights Time
White: Pretty much anything, honestly. Except server rules stuff, or things that could be used against me in court.

Reds: I lied. Also no toilet stuff.

OOC Stuff
Violently WIP. I literally shat the model out in under an hour.
Abilities exist for displays of power, mainly, as well as acting as hooks. It's a rare thing for her to choose to be a male as well, as she's primarily a fem character, but if it's requested, I might, depending on my mood.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human