Lew Caston

Portrait Save
I am Tell Friendly. If I ain't, I'll politely say! Don't ask first, just come outright with whatever is on your mind.

++The Obvious Stuff++

Race: Human
Height: 5'8" (172cm)
Build: Muscular
Age: Youthful (20)
Skin: Porcelain white
Hair: Dirty blonde, stubbly jawline
Voice: Spirited British (Not Bri'ish)

++The Less Obvious Stuff++

Has the look of a holy warrior about him, often seen with a dirt-silver pendant tucked away inside whatever he might be wearing at the time; every so often it'll fall out, showing the icon of a rising sun. Any chance knight or aspiring warrior might take one look at him and reckon he was really no more a squire in search of their liege.

Inquisitive eyes that might scan the lad's demeanour will determine, despite the glowing appearance one might find in a righteous paladin, they were not so blessed as to really be adopted by the higher powers. They don't walk like a knight, shirk from known evildoers, nor do they take on the holy duty expected of one; rather, he seems more keen to sharpen his own weapons and armour, shown by the callouses on the palm of each hand, then simply wade into the thick of things.

When talking to someone of higher station above that of a common soldier, his posture naturally stiffens up. As if coming to attention during a parade or an inspection. Otherwise, equals would find no more a young man taking their first adventurous steps into the world and this poor sod just happened to end up on the weird end of it: Sinfar.


Take an Arthurian era squire, stick them in Sinfar, and watch the fireworks.

++Ye Be Lights Ere++

Green: Vanilla, Romance, just typical roleplay stuff that leads to wherever.

Yellows: Forced shapechanging, setting up encounters through Tells.

Red: All the typical rule-breaking shtick, scat, and homoerotic.


Setting: Birthright
Origin: Anuire
Religion: Avani (LN, Symbol of the Rising Sun), Goddess of Sun, Reason and Magic

(22/12/2023) Reached max level, 12F/28WM

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human