
Portrait Save
Race: Fox
Hair color: Purple
Eyes: Amber
Orientation: Pansexual
Preference: Switch

A short little fox familiar who likes to hop around and eat peanut butter cookies. Curious of the city and the people in it, she loves to ask folks their story and all that stuff!~

Being a familiar, she's incredibly hard to 'kill'. She can simply reform after dying from normal means with seemingly no ill effect.

She's very polite, anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

Fap Loggers; If you gotta go ya gotta go! I don't mind, might even consider it a compliment if ya cum and go during a rp! But I just ask you tell me you're leaving so I'm not waiting around for you to come back from a DC
Green: Almost literally anything. If you're worried, send a tell. Huge love for transformation

Yellow: Perma-tf without chattin' before

Reds: Scat, diaper stuff, underage etc the standard, really masc guys
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling