
Portrait Save
  ~~~~~Zeirsa, Divinity of Infernos~~~~~  
  ~...And should the sky be filled...~
      ~...With fire and smoke...~

First Name: Zeirsa
Last Name: ~~~~~
Alias: ~~~~~
Race: Half-Dragon
Native Land: Unknown.
Skin: Ashen red.
Eyes: ~~~~~
Hair: Blonde (A bit ashened).
Piercing: None (Yet.).
Tattoos: No apparent tattoos.
Height: Around 12'.
Apparent Gender: Female.
Body type: Voluptious.
Noticable features: Some lighter red lining over some parts of her body, mostly present to her face.

Coming soon.

I am fairly open to long-term relations. This brings  strong anchors to a RP.
As far as lights goes, we'll keep it to REDS. If it isn't listed down in them, you may consider myself open it. Though, Zeirsa might decline any offers she desires to.

- Behavior against server rules (Should i really mention it ?)
- Scat
- Hardcore Injuries/Mutilations (Loss of a body part(Arm, leg..))

(I AM VERY TELL FRIENDLY! Don't hesitate.)


*A little side note about those infamous "Faploggers".

IRL can bump at some points. It happens to me too. But please, if you need to go, for any reason, tell me first. This will prevent my reluctance to resume a scene that was in progress.

Thank you.*

Work in progress.

Perhaps, a little music in the meantime?

(The Rebel Path but it Rips and Tears.)

(Wind Rose - Together We Rise)

©ShashaTheShadow 2024
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human