

   Name: Calimborn
   Race: Unknown/'Planar-Blood'
   Eyes: Milky-White
   Gender: Male?
   Age: 40's
   Height: 5'5"
   Weight: 242 lbs.

Before you stands.. a statue? Calim can quite easily be mistaken for one, should they not be moving and one isn't attentive. Standing at a mid-average height with stone-grey skin and equally pale, milky-white stone eyes giving the impression they're blind. Their head is crowned with back-curled Grey Horns that blend well into the similar-toned skinned forehead they sprout from.

Their hair equally seeming sprout out from their scalp with little indication where hair and skin stops, long messy grey-white tangles with the occational braid flows back between and spilling off the sides where grey-pointy jagged ears peek from the hair, of which ends just below their shoulder blades. Calim's face bares a odd stone-ish texture with scarring that spider-webs outwards from their left cheek to the rest of their face with pale marble-grey tones, a similar pale-white scar kisses the top and bottom corners of the creature's lips.

This almost 'marble-patterned' scarring (Should one be fortunate, or Unfortunate enough to see) spreads down along most of their upper body with a similar webbing pattern starting outwards from their left pectoral and fading in 'crack'-like veins before fully crossing to the right side of their figure. Truly giving the impression of a weathered and unmaintained statue. A point further emphasised by their usual lean towards similary-stone colored attire, behind them a long tail of Grey-stone color has been allowed to spill from their outfit, tipped with a barb that casually moves this way or that with Calim seeming to have full control over it, acting almost like a third arm and hand at times.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf