Dorn Mourningstone

Age: 34
Race: Human
Background: Ex War Wizard
Former Home: Suzail, Cormyr
Accent: Germanic-English

Dorn Mourningstone, progeny of Suzail's bourgeois elite, emerged from the crucible of privilege. His kin, merchants of wealth and standing, ensured his enrollment in the College of War Wizards. Within the cloistered halls of the college, Dorn cultivated the art of a War Wizard, blending the subtle dance of the arcane with the brutal pragmatism of martial skill.

Haunted by the byzantine intrigues of Cormyr's ruling class, Dorn, seeking respite from the fever of duty, embraced the nomadic existence of a spellblade for hire. His heart yearned for exploration, an escape from the labyrinthine webs of power. Faerûn's tapestry beckoned, promising an odyssey away from the machinations of his homeland.

In the crucible of his travels, Dorn confronted a malevolent force that exacted a toll -- the forfeiture of his left eye. A veiled secret, the event shrouds itself in silence, a narrative deliberately obscured. The ocular sacrifice remains a silent testament to the perils lurking in the shadows of his mercenary pursuits.

Dorn's demeanour, a paradoxical amalgamation, manifests regimented discipline in combat -- a testament to the doctrinal imprint of his College of War Wizards education. Beyond the theatrics of battle, a laissez-faire attitude prevails, an informal nonchalance coloring the contours of his character.
Player:Good Morning Noontires
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human