
Race: Half-Couatl
Height: 6'8"
Apparent Age: Early 30's
Gender: Female

GREEN: Touching, sexual torture, threat of breeding, hair pulling, feminine or androgynous presenting characters (no particular genital preference), magical alterations to body and genitals, be it temporary or permanent (with ample discussion first and a plot to it), humanoid-ish monsters, non-human dicks, oversized penetration, cumdump, gangbang. Switch, leaning dom.

YELLOW (send tells confirming first): Public groping, non-sexual torture, punching, slapping, bondage, masculine presenting characters, sapient monsters with the ability to consent/communicate consent, dub-con

RED: Scat, mutilation, actual impregnation, beasts not covered above

WISHLIST: Corruption

-Always open for tells/setting up scenes OOC
Player:Stardust Savant
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Uknown