Sinsemi'la Sweetleaf

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Just a few more levels Mom, I promise

Knickers in a bunch ? Titties in a twist ?
Don't have a rack attack, just sit back
Let Fukitol(tm) save the day !!
Destroys 47 times its' own weight in excess reality
Ask your druid if Fukitol (tm)is right for you.  Now available in new suppository form, just tell the world to shove it.

Note: Fukitol(tm) has seen some 'interesting' results in clinical trials.
(may cause depression, exciteablity, jittery legs, dry mouth, drooling, light spotting, heebies, jeebies, sudden death, spontaneous resurrection, baldness, excessive body hair growth, conniptions, and loss of inhibitions in some cases, or maybe not in others)

She doesn't have outrageous curves but she isn't a beanpole either, cute as a button with blue eyes, clear tanned skin and dishwater blonde hair sprinkled with darker patches, wrapped in the soft, delicate scent of nature's finest aromatic herbs
mostly too much patchouli and pipeweed.

Voted the girl most likely to maybe

She's a High Elf, as in she's high on something most of the time, even life,
and as graceful as a newborn fawn...on ice.

She spends a lot of time just sitting in a forest clearing or lying in a sunny meadow, completely naked, puffing lazily on a pipe and humming a little tune to herself

Keep it sensible and believable
What you can get away with depends entirely on how long she's had her pipe lit ;)

Player:Your free trial offer of Fukitol
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf