Constantina Torreblanca

Portrait Save
~{@ Constantina Isabella Torreblanca @}~

~Race: Human
~Age: Approx. 20
~Sex: Female
~Height: 5' - 5'2"
~Weight: 120 - 125 lbs
~Eyes: Pale grey/blue
~Hair: Dark brown w/ Blonde

     ~General Description~

Petite but curvy, Constantina is a striking young woman. Looking at her it is easy to imagine her sitting in a dark candle-lit room, hunched over a crystal ball or reading palms in the corner of some seedy tavern. Though, of course, she would never dream of participating in such heresy.

Rich dark, almost black, brown hair frames her soft pale features. A few shucks of pale blonde silk stand in stark contrast to the rest. Her face is slightly round with a smallish nose and plump, dark, painted lips. Her pale blue/grey eyes are usually surrounded by heavy makeup, causing them to stand out all the more.

Player:A little teapot
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human