
Portrait Save
Meatball, a fat and feral Goblin, originally served a peculiar purpose: he was designated to be affixed to a catapult, laden with explosives, and launched skyward to wreak havoc upon enemy fortifications. However, fate had other plans for him. As he hurtled towards a stone edifice, an enormous Eagle swooped in, its razor-sharp talons severing the strap holding the explosives, thus foiling the goblin's explosive mission. The bird would have likely returned for another assault had it not met its demise in a blast of feathers and blood, courtesy of an Orc-made bomb. The explosion sent Meatball careening off course, and he crash-landed into a nearby lake.

There, amidst the tranquil waters, Meatball made his home for many years, subsisting on a diet of fish, small animals, and any hapless creatures that happened to cross his path.


Dev AA for CTF & Shard runs.

I will RP him in casual situations, but nothing beyond that.

Player:Ryan Clad
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human