
Portrait Save

 |First Name|: Iskra
 |Last Name|: Unknown
 |Sex|: Appears female
 |Age|: Early thirties
 |Occupation|: Unknown

 |Voice|: Low. Smooth. Sultry.
 |Accent|: Flat. Sharp.
 |Scent|: Spruce. Resin. Roots.

[The Spark]

 A porcelain shell
 with a crack in its heart.
 Emerald gems,
 worn out by the passage of time.
 Hidden behind it all,
 a single, surviving spark.
 A Spark of Ambition.
 A Spark of Passion
 A Spark of Life.

[The Flame]

 Filth. Pregnancy.
 Pain. Pleasure. Domination. Tension. Passion.

 Be aware: character comes with a penis.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human