Socorro Blaese

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Tell friendly. I would prefer to keep discussions in tells to questions about RP. Thank you to the players who have granted me AP.

The story of Socorro.

The daughter of an infamously cruel pirate Lord, Socorro was thrust into a life of adventure and intrigue at the ripe old age of..

Let's not dote on the past, as that never bodes well for the story. Let us keep it simple, aye? Coco is a petite young woman with small, perky breasts. She has smoky, golden brown eyes that rarely miss a thing -- unless someone is lingering in the shadows, and even then she likes the notion of being watched, so she rarely cares.

Oddly enough, she becomes visibly tense if she senses danger and can often nervously twirl a lock of hair between her slender fingers instead of facing the situation head on. She knows she must improve upon this but has yet to make a more viable plan. 'Tomorrow'.

Her posture is immaculate for a small thing and it seems she's had some kind of formal training to encourage her to stand as she does. She looks to be a younger woman, but who knows? She doesn't sound like one. She must be in her middling years as she has some knowledge of the world, though, perhaps not this one. 'Yet'.

She is not an overly well-spoken woman but it's clear that she does make a wholehearted attempt at trying to be so, simply born of a desire to better herself.  She can be humble, as often you will see, and truly does want to learn and find her way in this great big world.

Her voice is subtly melodic and she uses a soft spoken tone except on the occasion she is excited or even more rare an instance when she is mad.

Her body has the subtle curves of a woman but she maintains a healthy weight and an active lifestyle which shows in the slight definition in her arms, legs and abdomen -- if you're lucky enough to catch a glance. Her movement is deliberate, practiced, as if she is on alert. She possesses an unusual swagger and her footfalls are barely noticeable even in the quietest of environs which alludes to a roguish nature.

She undoubtedly has female genitals with no extra bits as her clothing is rarely ever baggy, though never outrightly vulgar, and is not hiding her femininity in the least.

Her hair is long, black and extremely curly. She often wears it pulled away from her face and sometimes restrains the defiant curls in braids, ponytails or a bun. It's clear that she is proud of her unruly locks and takes great care of it. It often carries the scent of hibiscus and vanilla.

Her ears are pierced and she often wears elaborate earrings made of rare gems and precious metals. She has no other piercings, to the naked eye, and has no blemishes that can be seen.

No means of magic can be detected upon her save her attire and her jewelry.

Race - Looks to be Human
Apparent Age - Mid-20's
Hair - Raven Black
Eyes - Brown
Skin - Olive
Gender - Female
Physique - Petite
Height - 5'0"
Weight - 102 lbs
Known as - Coco
Name - Socorro Blaese
Appears as - A fairly well dressed young woman
Interests - Surviving, exploration, learning.

//In terms of lights: Coco will react accordingly, but is opposed to scat, vore, gore, amputation. I may add to this list as needs done.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human