Noctis Moros

Portrait Save
((This character sheet is updated regularly as character develops. Last update on: September 24, 2024))

Race: Human / Primordial 'Creature'
Age: Looks 30's
Alias(es): Nox, Noc
Height/Weight: 6'3 / 225 lbs
Eye Color: Emerald (Primary) / Other colors (Shifting, Secondary)
Hair Color/Style: Black, windswept
*Identity: Male, He/Him
Sexual Orientation: All over the place.

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~~Extra Details~~
When Noctis had arrived to Sinfar, he'd had something of a hard time trying to find where he fit in. With little idea of what to do, he acquainted himself to this new societal standard by first trying his hand at adventuring and being a mild-mannered (if not bashfully polite) tourist. Thanks to the generosity and patience of particular citizens, Noctis gradually integrated himself into Sinifer City's social circles. However, not quite fitting in to well enough to call a particular social clique his own, Noctis can often be found in one-on-one conversations or trying to join in groups when the topics interest him.

When the moon and stars align, though, Noctis can slip into his 'element' and walk with a quietly bolstered confidence. He's got traits about his personality that land him as the punchline of jokes; often confused for a werewolf by the way he acts, or a vampire for the way that he dresses, but would assure anyone with that same confidence he is neither. When the man speaks, it can range from a lax mannerism tinged with slang and abbreviated words such as 'yer' instead of 'your,' up to more formal and chivalric phrases common to nobility such as, 'My apologies, it was not my intention to offend you.' He adapts to certain situations differently, but he is certainly capable of it.

On a more personal note, Noctis does retain a few features of his personality that might raise a few eyebrows even among those original citizens that helped him find his place in the city. Trying to remain neutral in a world where even Evil Beings can find partners, the man is not without his darker tastes despite bearing a font of good intentions and charming nature. Mistakes had been made in his past, and while they do weigh heavily on him, one might not know as much with the way he behaves around others. Without donning a theatrical appearance, Noctis does seem to wear the occasional mask or set of armor over his emotional stability.

Noc is a special twist of Chaotic Neutral; often dancing on both sides of the 'good' and 'evil' spectrums.

He prefers to think before he speaks, but sometimes things don't work out that way.

Often appears deep in thought when found alone.

He's got moments of spontaneity, seemingly excitable, mirthful, and laughing at things; trying to lighten a mood where he feels mutual tension.

He does lean toward female partners, but he has a particular fondness for effeminate males; bearing a lasting attraction toward certian individuals.

His eyes do glow, even producing something of a colorful aura depending on his mood or his feelings!

Displays 'Quality of Life' Magic usage on occasion; not for use in (actual) combat. // Can be used in RP combat for show.

Has started a business in the Waterfront district of Sinifer City!

Looking for an assistant or familiar to help him develop his knowledge and use of magic. // Requires dedicated and ongoing RP.

Can get real dark and gritty if you push the right buttons.

Red Lights: Scat/Vomit/Watersports, Ageplay, Bestiality**, // First Person RP, Faplogging, Controling Actions, Server Rules, Permanent changes  to the character

Yellow Lights:  Exhibitionism, Domination (receiving), 3+ sex

Green Lights: A lot, feel free to ask in tells or in character!

Favorites/Preferred: 'Vocal' partners. Groans and grunts aside, dirty talk and degredation or praise // Consistent and developing RP, Story Arcs and participation/inclusion.

((Author's note: details listed after '//' are considered notes for OOC knowledge
**Bestiality, to the player, means going and having relations with a creature farmed for food or other basic necessities. Furries and similar entities are okay!
*Identity: Male, He/Him: With proper motivation, trust, or development, both gender and identity are subject to change.))
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human