Princess Aliathra Bloomlight

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Name : Aliathra Bloomlight
Race : High Elf
Age : 120
Gender : Female
Eyes : Shiny Aquamarine
Body Type : Very Curvy
Height : 5'2"

This pretty elf seems to be blessed by the gods, with captivating beauty and a statuesque body, she walks with unearthly grace. Her skin is free of all imperfections, remaining immaculate. Her silky golden hair looks like rays of the sun itself, illuminating everyone who looks at her unless they are hypnotized by her bright aquamarine gaze. Although she has just reached adulthood, her body seems to have been blessed to breed, with generous hips, for an elf, and an abundant and generous chest.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf