Grath Zuhrack

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Grath is a rather intrusive figure by pretty much any measure. The thick bodied bugbear is covered in a coarse fur that has the scent of a wild animal about it. His bot bellied form still massive and almost approaching six feet brims with muscle and he looks like he could easily crush a skull with one hand.

His body bears an assortment of piercings, scars, and tribal tattoos that run up and down his arms and adorn his flesh, telling the story of a being that has truly lived his life rough with little regard to his own safety... or the safety of others for that matter.

He usually dresses simply, when in armor or out, not bothering with bright colors and sticking to things that are utilitarian in nature. Still there is a curious air about him and one would be mistaken to think he is just a brute. There is an intelligence behind his eyes and a clever cunning. Those that are familiar with magic might also detect that lingering bit of it on him.

Overall he is something of a brute... though perhaps a cultured one in some aspects. He takes what he wants when he wants it. He doesnt seem to care for fine things.. but he does have an eye for fine people, enjoying the pretty lasses and seizing them when he deems one fit.
Player:Dark Delight
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc