Saria Iarrel

Portrait Save
Race: Elf (No determinate subtype, a village mix)
Gender: Female
Age: Hard to determine for an elf, but seems to have reached adulthood recently
Height: 4'11''
Weight: 120 lbs
Birthplace: Rural areas of Aglon
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long, blonde
Skin: Very light skin tone even with tanning from working outside a lot.
Preference: Pansexual, Switch

The elf in front of you is no warrior nor adventurer nor mage. She is just a simple villager from rural areas of the outer isles of Sinfar.

Most commonly she can be encountered wearing work clothes, sometimes carrying work implements like pitchfork, spade or anything else she might need at a moment.

For now, she gets noticeably nervous in large city, not used to them, but she tries to cover her discomfort with warm, friendly smiles.

If there is anything noticeable about her, it is her sturdy body of a farm laborer. Healthy, rich diet together with copious amount of manual labor gave her sturdy looking body despite her short elven height, paired up with generous curves.

She is pretty intelligent despite receiving no formal education, but gets flustered in places and in company that appears too refined and educated as she feels out of place.

In general I am open to all sorts of directions the RP might take. The character is intended to evolve and change through in-game interactions and can go in any directions based on encounters she will have.

Possible RP hooks can range from being hired as a worker or servant, supplying city businesses with fresh produce from rural farms, someone discovering and exploring her minor latent healing powers or being captured and meeting with great misfortune from hands of one of the more evil denizens of the isles (Drow, Goblins, Orcs, Fiends...), or finding some ancient scroll and accidentally summoning a fiend (Both sub and dom can be fun!)

Perma death, Unfixable mutilation

Non-sapient animals, Overuse of NPCs in scenes, Complete bondage (I tend to type far less when my character can only participate passively), Males

Males of monstrous races and races traditionally at odds with elves (orcs, drow etc.), Femboys

Monstrous races (Orcs, goblins, minotaurs, fiends...), Loving relationships, Non-con, Prey and predator play, Captivity, Pheromones and aphrodisiacs, Occasional subversion of expectations (Petite elf managing to subdue large monster, Encounter with large evil monster ending up in friendship etc.), Futa/Shemales, Females, Anal, Rimming,  Oral, Sweat, Muscular beings, Size difference and more

Tell friendly.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human