Nimue Ravenblood

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Name:  Nimue
Race:  Wood Elf
Sex:  Female
Height:  5'4'
Build:  Slim musculature with curves.
Eyes:   Deep emerald.
Hair:  Long, dark brown locks that may hold tangles and knots.
Skin: Pale olive.
Occupation:  Shaman
Skill Range:  Reading the bones, survival, hunting, savagery, shapeshifting, healing (herbal and magical), elemental magic, herbalism, etc.

Nimue is a wood elf that holds a degree of savagery in her demeanor, though her slim form is hardly intimidating.  Her form, whilst petite and elven, does hold alluring curves in the right areas.  She may not prove to be the strongest or most agile, but her innate ability to shift in animals and monsters can be formidable while the form of a large dusky green-brown forest lynx being the most commonplace.  She enjoys the hunt and the woods, especially those of a dark, foreboding nature.  While time spent into the dark wilds may lend her to perform poorly in civilized society, she doesn't hold such places in contempt, but more in a cautious hold.  Things people might normally hold intrinsic value will most likely not capture her attention and those things she values the everyday person would probably scoff at.  This aspect can be seen in attire as she wears somewhat primitive clothing formed of vines, leaves, leather, wood, and crude metal.  In the end, she is a daughter of the wood and the call of wilds runs in her veins.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf