Rithiewiel Galesh

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What you see:
The elf before you stands a little taller than most of her kin, stark green eyes scanning and observing her surroundings with a degree of wariness. It is clear she is new tot he parts and still quite unused to some of the sights.Her face while beautiful rarely shows a smile more often than not marred by a slight found and look of distaste or judgement at what she sees. There is a steelern quality to her expression that suggests some form of martial upbringing.Her Physique while as graceful as that of most elves leans on the more athletic and muscular, with supple muscles and occasional scars giving her a fit appearance. Her breasts are rather modest on her frame at a mere B cup and usually well covered under thick plate or conservative clothing.Her flame red hair is often tied back strictly and kept form getting too long so as not to become a hindrance in combat. Her attire usually comprised of thick armor or conservative robes suggesting she has little care for appearance and more so practicality.When she speaks her voice is firm and authoritative, carrying a certain confidence and commanding presence for now though events might change this.

Rithiewiel was a Paladin in training for Torm, an amulet with his symbol of a scales on a warhammer hanging from her neck and his symbol often emblazoned on her armor and shield. Having lost her family due to a bandit raid early she was saved and vowed vengeance upon those that would bring harm on innocents or abuse their power. Long years of martial training however came to naught when the ship she was traveling on was caught in a magical freak storm that saw her stranded in these lands. Trying to piece things back together despite her gear being lost in the accident she interprets the bad luck as a sign of Torm to bring his word, principles and guidance to these far flung lands and is determines to do anything it takes to establish a foothold in his name here.

Since Arrival:

Rithiewiel had a rude and rough awakening in the new lands she found herself in. Detestable and vile drow and fiends of all sorts walking the streets freely airing their depravities almost proudly. The suffering in the slums unnoticed and the local temple and so called priestess thereof being nothing but a defiled den of depravity.
While she has made some friendships her uncompromising demeanor and moral stance has made even more enemies, and even amongst the few she saw as friendly there was lingering uncertainty of ulterior motives.
Yet just as the noose tightening around her neck and the threats of those who would see her broken or humbled grew harder to ignore, a collar meant for her dangled in front of her face with promises of a dark fate, at the time she felt most at risk and facing insurmountable odds, she encountered a Miracle.

Having almost resigned herself to the real possibility of facing a martyrs death or worse rather than cowering or betraying her ideals she managed to find a small altar in Torms name to pray to. In an almost unbelievable coincidence (For real you couldn't make this shit up and none of it was pre-planned or arranged, I converted irl...) her prayers were heard and answered as she encountered a celestial lantern floating by the dockside, the sign she had prayed for no doubt.
On her approach and prayer it offered a guidance to seek out a refuge in nearby mountains south of the waterfront. There she found two celestial seemingly untouched by the corruption that rampaged the land and after a long exchange was granted their blessing.

With her sense of purpose renewed and the strength of knowing there was hope and she did not stand alone in these lands she forced herself back out from the safe haven to face the corruption once more and fulfill her duty. There was a safe haven free of corruption in these lands and its doors were open yet it fell on her to guide worthy souls away from temptation to this.

With the divine celestial blessing coursing through her allowing her to resist any temptations of lust or flesh until she were to climax and her martial ability and strength growing by the day she knew she would have to find a martial mentor to achieve greater height of martial prowess. Things were looking up and for the first time the potential to affect real change did not seem outlandish and hopeless, and yet, those who would see her fail were many and the opposition great and only time would tell what fate held in store next.

OOC info:
I am quite familiar with both RP and ERP and have few relights in my rp so no need to check with me but its fine to surprise me! Often a treachery plot or ambush is all the more impactful because it comes as a surprise!
I am quite into many fetishes including but not limited to BDSM, humiliation, slavery, piercing, tattoos, branding, physical transformation, mental alteration and pretty much whatever else you can think of so long as it is detailed and fitting to the story and ongoing development of the char in whatever direction events might take her.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf