Description | |
(Updated 1-17-25)
Height: 6'1" Weight: 186 lbs. Birthday: Twelfth month, Twenty fourth day. Age: Look's mid-late 30's. Race: Human Sex: Male Eye Color: Deep Blue Status: Engaged (Open Relationship) |History| If you were to ask him, Sigil would tell you about Telflamm. Located in Thesk, an independent city-state that took much of it's culture from the Eastern continent of Kara-tur. A trade city ruled by a powerless monarchy who answered to one of the numerous criminal alliances within the city. Either the Red Wizards, The Night Eyes, The Nine Golden Swords, or most prominently The Shadowmasters. If pressed further, he would explain that the Shadowmasters were the most powerful alliance in Telflamm. Devotes and worshipers of Mask, they were apt to bringing in orphaned children to raise as soldiers in their army of thieves. And more importantly to find a vessels to act as avatars for their god. However, with war between factions never ending, life within the ranks of the Shadowmasters consisted of thievery, espionage, and assassination. That's the life Sigil was brought into, and how he excelled at all manner of evil deeds. He would then tell you about how he had earned his name by being the "good luck charm" of the Shadowmasters. How they would take him into the House of the Masters Shadow and give prayers to Mask to protect him. How in those prayers they called him the Sigil of the Shadowmasters, the Sigil of Mask. And how he wasn't the religious type, and none of it really mattered to him. What he most likely would tell you is that he escaped Telflamm to find his "brother" and live a life of freedom. What he would -not- tell you is the whole truth of why he actually left... What he would tell you though is through that series of events he has found himself on the shores of Sinfar looking for his freedom and hiding from those who wished him ill will. Now more likely to lend a helping hand than slit a throat, Sigil has left his old life behind in an attempt to atone for what he sees as his previous sins. Having lived a life of rigid training and preforming jobs for his former faction, it's left Sigil with a naivete to him. Though in more recent years, having lived amongst the public more, that naivete has turned more into an honest and a charming uncouth nature. And a big mouth. Much like his factions god of choice, Sigil spent many years as a loner, staring out to sea, simply waiting for the approach of others to sooth his boredom. Only recently finding himself pulled away and brought into the bigger world that has always existed around him. And he'd then have many stories to tell about his time here. Murdered, made undead, resurrected, held on trial by demons, given a demonic form, bodyguard for a princess, wrestling a princess, single handedly slaying -a- dragon and... the pizza incident. As well as many many other strange tales. |Physical Description| His head is topped with shoulder length black hair, which is almost always a bit messy and tousled. The slightest bit of stubble always grows around his jaw. His eyes a dark blue, which despite their depth still tend to always shine brightly. His body was athletic and chiseled from all his years of assassin work and training. His skin clung tightly to his muscles, though he was not bulky like a body builder. Even his movements were lithe and quick, like that of a gymnast. Though, he would find himself having to fake a bit of clumsiness now and then. If one was to see him disrobed, his body was littered in small scars from the multitude of close calls he had in his previous life. He also had a notably large "X" shaped scar over his heart, as well as a long set of what looked like claw marks reaching from his right shoulder all the way down to just above his hip. For the naughty bit, he would best be described as well endowed for a human. When he speaks he has a light "southern" accent, that always sounds somewhat polite, even when he attempts to be sarcastic or rude. |Lights| Let's be real, if you've met Sigil, these lights are very much suggestions rather than rules. Yellows and Greens with spatters of Red. If he likes you, he aims to please. Reds (Mostly No): Against the server stuff, Gore, Scat, etc. Anyone with a penis, no dicks. (literally and figuratively). Yellows (Probably): Pretty open, usually dependent of the mood of the RP. Obviously, if you think you should ask, you should ask. Greens (Absolutely): RP first and foremost. New experiences, Adventure. Being approached, Vanilla: Gentle or Rough, Romance, Casual, Light BDSM Feel free to walk up! |
Player: | Sn4tcH |
Gender (Visually): | Male |
Race (Visually): | Human |