Valerion Dharke

Portrait Save
First name: Valerion
Last name: Dharke
Age: Looks to be early 20's.
Hair: Auburn
Skin: A natural coppery color.
Eye color: Right eye a deep red, left a light blue bordering on grey.
Height: 180CM\6'0''
Build: Lean, toned and elegant. He looks more akin to a dancer instead of a body builder.
Characteristics: Curious, ambivert, obsessive of topics that interests him, and a struggle to grasp abstract concepts.
Notable traits: Tattoo in a delicate script underneath his right foot, reading "Property of Esmeralda Dharke. If found injured, return to the Dharke Manor and Vineyard."
A youthful, handsome man, Valerion looks to be in his early 20's. A tall build, he is more lean than muscular,  more elegant than brutish. While he does have a muscular frame, his build is more than of a dancer, rather than an experienced fighter.
His auburn hair is kept relatively short, yet bangs fall across his face, sometimes obscuring parts of his vision.

The most noticeable trait about him would be his mismatched eyes - his left a pale, blue-grey color, where as his right is a deep red, resembling the auburn color of his hair.
As his eyes study the world around him, it is always with an unguarded curiosity that betrays him as someone inexperienced with the world.

He dresses in clothing that are often of muted tones of color, though finely made his clothes often lacks any flair or ostentatious expressions of style.
Still tailored to fit his graceful frame, his clothes often looks more practical, as though chosen for utility instead of style.  
Even so, sometimes, there is a hint of subtle embroidery and understated details, such as jewelry, or buttons made out of a rare material.

While his voice is gentle and soft spoken, he speaks with an accent, that could resemble Rashemi, though not quite - those familiar with the Gur would recognize it as such. He also speaks with the soft cadence of someone who is unused to the rhythm of conversation - as though his words are carefully chosen and placed.
At other times, he seems entirely emotionally detached from conversation, and his intonation is flat, and lacking.

He may even attempt to mimic the speech pattern of others when speaking to them, or their way of bearing.


Theme songs:

Bring Me The Horizon - Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd BloOd -

Bring Me The Horizon - LosT -

Lorna Shore - Pain Remains -
Player:Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human